This job advert has expired
Accommodation Warden (x 2 jobs)
Accommodation Warden (x 2 jobs)
Accommodation Warden x 2
We are seeking joint applications from 2 individuals who will live and work together.
Hours: 20 hours a week
Salary: £11 an hour
Location: Bardsey Island - accommodation provided
Term: 1 March – 31 October 2024. Fixed term
Role: Accommodation Warden x 2.
We are seeking joint applications from 2 individuals who will live and work together.
Hours: 20 hours a week (per person)
Salary: £11 an hour
Location: Bardsey Island - accommodation provided
Term: 1 March – 30 October 2024. Fixed term
Benefits: 1 boat trip to mainland per month, shared food growing space provided, internet connection
Additional Information:
Additional job information can be found below
Use the documents below to apply for the job advert
Use the contact information above to contact us for more information
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Disgrifiad swydd a sut i wneud cais
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Accommodation Warden (x 2 jobs)
Contact Accommodation Warden (x 2 jobs)