Cyfle i ennill bocs o Tetrim Teas Te Gwraidd Riwbob has partnered with Tetrim Teas and we are giving four people the chance to win a box of Tetrim Teas Rhubarb Root Tea.

This box contains 21 teabags of a gentle, cleansing evening tea, a blend that is gut kind and supports digestion.

Made in Trimsaran, from a blend of rhubarb root from Anglesey, green tea, honeysuckle, hawthorn and other natural ingredients, the tea is designed to be taken each evening (one a day).

Winner: Lowri Davies - Abertawe



Cwrs ysgrifennu o'ch dewis yng Nghanolfan Ysgrifennu Tŷ Newydd

Hamper Bwyd a Diod Moethus, noddwyd gan Cywain

Pecyn Pampr gan Cole and Co